How Do I Structure My Workweek?

This is a great question but it’s one of those questions that doesn’t have a set answer because everyone is different and every business is different. So the answer to this question varies and often, for me, depends on my goals for the business for whatever quarter we’re in. I’m gonna give you a little behind the scenes around how I plan in my business and ultimately decide on my schedule. 

At the end of the year, I usually get together with my team and we determine 3 big projects that we’re going to take on for the coming year. I would recommend only sticking to 3-5 projects to cut down on overwhelm for yourself and your team. 

Now when I say big projects, those could be launching a new product or service, growing your team, changing or updating your internal systems, things like that. Once we determine our three goals and when we want each of them completed, we start to backwards plan through the year and break our deliverables down by quarter and then month. 

So our three goals for this past year were the following: 

  1. Tighten Our Marketing Systems

  2. Relaunch Our Signature Program (Get LaunchED Consulting™️)

  3. Hire/Expand the Team

Within each of these goals, there were clear deliverables and things we needed to complete to accomplish our goal. Here’s a high-level breakdown on what that could look like

  1. Tighten Our Marketing SystemsComplete by end of Q2

  • Q1: Review data from our current marketing channels and determine where and what things can be strengthened in the process

  • Q1: Determine what systems need to be put in place 

  • Q2: Determine how and who will implement and maintain the systems 

  1. Relaunch Our Signature Program (Get LaunchED Consulting™️)Complete by end of Q3

  • Q1: Survey previous program members for data on how to improve the program

  • Q1: Determine program updates

  • Q2: Beta Test Program

  • Q2: Determine Program Delivery Systems

  • Q2: Create, Test & Implement Systems

  • Q2 & Q3:Determine Marketing for program relaunch (this includes websites, ads, social media posts etc.)

  • Q3: Create Marketing assets for program relaunch (for example if you are building a website or having a graphic designer create a website, you may need a logo redesign. You’ll also need to create the copy for the website)

  • Q3: Relaunch Program!

  1. Hire/Expand the TeamComplete by end of Q4

  • Q2: Determine how many and what types of team member(s) are vital

  • Q2: Determine the title and responsibilities of the desired team member(s)

  • Q3: Determine how to hire (with a contracted service or on our own)

  • Q3: Create an Onboarding Module for the new team member(s)

  • Q4: Host Interviews

  • Q4: Welcome new team member(s)!

So, we usually put this in an Excel/GSheets doc that we can update and edit, but it’s a great thing to have so that we can come back every month and quarter to see where we’re at on our timeline. 

With our company goals mapped out for the next year, it makes it a lot easier for me to determine what I need to do and how I can structure my time every week, month and quarter, because I have my goals set. So then at the beginning of every quarter, I go back to that list of my 3-5 projects and the bullet points that I've identified as core priorities for those months. I zoom in by month, then week to determine my schedule and what needs to be prioritized. 

Now, on a week to week basis, I have a certain structure that I like to stick to in the sense that certain things happen on certain days. 


  • Team Meetings: I meet with my operations team and executive assistant on Mondays to start the week off strong! We discuss everyone’s goals and upcoming priorities for the week. 


  • Client Meetings: I meet with current and potential clients to discuss any upcoming/potential work I’ll be doing with them. This includes coaching calls, strategy sessions or introductory chats.

  • Coaching and/or Contractor Meetings: I meet with my business or copy coach to discuss upcoming projects, receive feedback on assets I’ve submitted for review or to give feedback on assets that have been submitted to me. This is also a day that I’d meet with my graphic designer (for logo or websites being designs) or my marketing strategist (if I’m running ads or planning to in the near future) 

  • Coaching Team Meetings: I meet with my coaching team on Tuesdays. We discuss everyone’s goals and upcoming priorities for the week.

  • Program Meetings: Live Q&A calls are a part of the Get LaunchED™️ Consulting program and they occur every other Tuesday. Myself and my coaching team meet with our Get LaunchED™️ Consulting fam and review any questions they may have that week.


  • Planning: I take this day to plan for any event or sessions I have coming up in the future


  • Client Meetings

  • Coaching and/or Contractor Meetings


  • Planning

  • Rest: Sometimes I take this day to rest if the week has been particularly busy or stressful

So that’s a quick high-level overview of how I structure my workweek. Again, it really starts from determining my annual goals and backwards planning to ensure I am prioritizing what I need to when I need to. I hope you find this helpful! 

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Erica Jordan-Thomas